Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: Tori Thatcher

You guys, sorry I have been neglecting the blog lately. I will repent. I promise. Here is a long overdue spotlight! Enjoy!

 1.     What is one of your favorite things about your husband?
How amazing he is at comforting me—he’ll sing me the “You’ll Be in My Heart” song from Tarzan sometimes and he pretty much won’t leave me alone until I’ve calmed down.

2.     Are you in school? Working? Graduated? A mother? On the job hunt? All of the above?

I’m not taking classes right now, and I don’t think that I’ll be taking classes in the Fall (because Baby Thatcher will be coming right in the middle of the semester, though I might still take a few classes). But I’m going to be taking classes again during Winter Semester. I’m also working part-time as a custodian in the Tanner Building.

3.     What is something quirky about you?

I get really really heated about what ‘The South’ actually is…. Mostly because Westerners are under the impression that ‘The South’ refers to all states in the Southern US—even going so far as to include Oklahoma, Texas, and Arizona. Uh, yeah, those states weren’t really even around during the Civil War. I can see how people would consider Texas to be part of the South though, because I agree that part of Texas is, but not the whole state, as Texas is pretty diverse (because it’s huge). Anyway, the point is, if the State didn’t fight for the Confederacy during the Civil War, please don’t call it the South…. It kind of irks me. (Side-note, though West Virginia was technically a Union State, it fought for the South, so I’d say it’s in the South also).

4.     What movie can you quote word for word?

The Labyrinth, Ever After, Mulan, etc.

5.     If you had an extra room in your current apartment or future home what would you use it for?

A nursery (aka, Baby Thatcher is going to be sleeping in our bedroom or the living room)

6.     What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?

Scrambled Emu eggs

7.     What grown-up job did you want to have when you were a child?


8.     What is your favorite store to shop at?

Kohl’s…and Smith’s (they both have some pretty good clearance items) J

9.     Favorite restaurant in Provo?

Tucano’s (if only it wasn’t soooo expensive!)

10.   What do you like to do in your free time?

Sleep and watch TV shows on Hulu

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