Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Book Club Meeting & Ward BBQ!!

Hello Sisters!!  Tonight there is a Book Club Meeting and Saturday afternoon there is a Ward BBQ.  We hope to see you at at least one or the other!

Book Club Meeting

WHAT: Relief Society Book Club, The Witch of Blackbird Pond

WHERE: College Park North #103 (Heather Wrigley's apartment)

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday night

WHY: Come for food, friendship, and fun. It's a great book and a great way to get to make new friends. We'd love to have everyone!  Even if you didn't read the book :) 
Ward Wet 'n' Wild BBQ Info
We're meeting at Kiwanis Park pavillion Saturday from 4pm until everyone goes home (9pm at the latest). Bring at least one towel per couple. Don't forget to bring food if you signed up to bring something.  It's going to be so much fun!!

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