Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Long, Long Time Ago...

We had a ward barbecue!  Sorry this is being updated so late!!

The Sunday School Presidency threw a Wet & Wild Barbecue back in July and it was so much fun!  Before the bbq we played ultimate frisbee, then we had hamburgers and hotdogs, and finally we played water dodgeball and volleyball.  Here are some of the pictures from it!

Playing ultimate frisbee before the bbq

Camille & Christina

Katelyn, Ilarene, & Allie

Braden & Lauren with Tucker! (Hallie & Billy's baby :) )

Sister Champion & Jane :) (Nate & Emily's baby)

Trevor, Jace, Julie, & Bishop


  1. You caught the secretive game of "pass the baby" on camera! I like that our ward is so chill about that.
