Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Elsha Bodily: Vegan Cooking

Here at the provo22rs blog we are going to be featuring guest posts every so often (at least every other week). Elsha Bodily (Do you know her? Just look for the Killer Sunday outfits. Oh you don't know her? Go look at the new and improved picture board outside of our chapel! Yep she revamped that. Ok. So...Elsha is a vegan. Today she is going to share an awesome vegan recipe and her "conversion" story.

"So many people have asked why I went Vegan and here's the conversion story in a nutshell:  I watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" and really liked what it had to say (you can watch it on Netflix if anyone is curious).  I decided to try it for 2 weeks and see how my body reacted to the change.  After the first week I already felt healthier, like I had more energy, and not deprived at all.  So I just kept with it!  My husband Joe has slowly and reluctantly started crossing over as well, except he will eat a Big Mac whenever his heart may desire one.  I think he describes himself as a "flexitarian."  Anyway, here is one of my favorite recipes, especially since I am a huge fan of Mexican food.  It is a good starter for introducing tofu into your diet.  Enjoy!"

Let's be real... I went and stalked youtube for "Forks Over Knives" trailers. I was curious! Now I have convinced my husband that watching "Forks Over Knives" will be our next date night. He seems concerned that I am going to go vegan and ban him from his beloved milk and hamburgers. We will see!

Tofu Burritos

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