"So many people have asked why I went Vegan and here's the conversion story in a nutshell: I watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" and really liked what it had to say (you can watch it on Netflix if anyone is curious). I decided to try it for 2 weeks and see how my body reacted to the change. After the first week I already felt healthier, like I had more energy, and not deprived at all. So I just kept with it! My husband Joe has slowly and reluctantly started crossing over as well, except he will eat a Big Mac whenever his heart may desire one. I think he describes himself as a "flexitarian." Anyway, here is one of my favorite recipes, especially since I am a huge fan of Mexican food. It is a good starter for introducing tofu into your diet. Enjoy!"
Let's be real... I went and stalked youtube for "Forks Over Knives" trailers. I was curious! Now I have convinced my husband that watching "Forks Over Knives" will be our next date night. He seems concerned that I am going to go vegan and ban him from his beloved milk and hamburgers. We will see!
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