Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: Candace Nielson

Ok ladies. Here it is. Our first Sunday spotlight. I thought this would be a great way to help us get to know each other better and satisfy our secret online stalking needs. If you hate a question please Let me know! As it stands now I am going to use the same 10 get-to-know-you questions for each girl. We will have one spotlight every Sunday! Ideas, suggestions, comments, and complaints are welcome. Without further ado, I present Candace Nielson! 

1. How did you meet your husband?
My Junior year of college I decided to move off campus and stay in Provo for the Summer for the first time since being in college.  Joey was in my FHE group in my Spring/Summer ward there.  I started noticing him at one of our FHE activities at the end of May.  That next Thursday our ward had a dessert night, I walked in and saw Joey and decided to go and sit by him.  We ended up talking all night and being the last ones to leave.  After that, we pretty much started talking and hanging out almost every night.  In August we got engaged and in December 2008 we were married in the Salt Lake Temple.  
2.      Are you in school? Working? Graduated? A mother? On the job hunt?  All of the above?
I am currently staying home with my sweet little boy Joseph.  I graduated in Elementary Education about 2 years ago.
3.      What is your comfort food?
My favorite comfort food is ice cream.  My favorite kind is Vanilla Bean.
4.      If you taught a class what would you teach about?
If I taught a class I would teach about making crafts.
5.      What would you do with a million dollars?
I have been a big saver all of my life so majority of it I would probably save or maybe invest.  With the rest of it I would probably go on a shopping spree.
6.      Who is your celebrity crush (before you were married of course)?
Orlando Bloom
7.      What was your favorite wedding present you received?
My favorite wedding present that we got changes all the time, but is currently our crockpot.
8.      What is your ideal date night?
My ideal date night is going hiking, on a walk, or rock climbing and then going out to eat, and of course dessert after.
9.      Favorite book?
My favorite book is The Perfect Mile by Neal Bascomb
10.  Dream Vacation?
The place that I have always wanted to go would have to be Hawaii. 


  1. This is the most darling idea ever! I love "stalking" aka getting to know every one! And those questions are perfect :)

  2. Loved learning more about Candace!
