Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Spotlight: Heather Wrigley

Heather and Jonathan are on the left
1.    How did you meet your husband?
Heather met her husband, Jonathan Wrigley, at their first FHE at the Colony Apartments. He thought she was awesome; she thought he was loud, but they became best friends hiking, biking, and playing frisbee over the summer. She realized she missed him when he left for two weeks at the end of summer to help his family with the fall harvest in Alaska. Two months later they were engaged.

2.  Are you in school? Working? Graduated? A mother? On the job hunt?  All of the above?
Heather graduated from BYU with a degree in print journalism in August 2010. She works full time in Salt Lake as a multimedia editor for the Church magazines, while her husband attends school at BYU and works at the MTC.

3. What is your comfort food?
Ice cream

4. If you taught a class what would you teach about?
If Heather were able to teach a class, she would choose to teach recreation management--canoeing, rock climbing, skiing, hiking, biking--so she could spend all day outside, playing.

5. What would you do with a million dollars?
Spoil our parents a little, buy a home, save, and invest.

6. Who is your celebrity crush (before you were married of course)?
John Wayne (still is)

7. What was your favorite wedding present you received?
Jonathan and Heather's favorite wedding gift was a cast iron skillet--it cooks anything and it works for camping, too.

8. What is your ideal date night?
A delicious dinner with great conversation, followed by a great play--preferably a musical.

9. Favorite book?
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott.

10.  Dream Vacation?
Our dream is to spend a few weeks in the holy land.

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