"The spirit was very strong during the Saturday adult session and the General Session on Sunday. On Saturday the speakers taught about recognizing and acting on personal revelation. And, Sunday each speaker taught about different Christlike attributes: virtue, patience, reverence, gratitude, and charity.
President Neiger extended five challanges to the stake to coincide with the talks on Christlike attributes:
1. Whenever you bring media or music into your home, ask yourself, "Does this offend the Holy Ghost?" If the answer is yes, even in the slightest, he encouraged us to turn it off or change it.
2. Sometime this month, have an FHE lesson with your spouse on the 2009 talk from Elder Bednar, "Things as they really are". Use the Spirit and talk with your husbands about how you can choose media wisely.
3. Arrive and be seated for Sacrament meeting five minutes early. Use this time to fully prepare for the sacrament, and try not to visit with your neighbors-just for those five minutes.
4. Express sincere gratitude to at least 2 people each day, make sure your spouse is one of those.
5. As a couple, reach out to someone in the ward each week. These can be small acts of service, such as babysitting, inviting another couple over for dinner or games, taking them cookies, etc. This service is in addition to our home and visiting teaching service.
The stake presidency felt inspired to extend these challenges and believes that if we pray to know how to apply them in our homes and personal lives we will be blessed with an increased measure of the Spirit. "
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