Saturday, July 27, 2013

Married Student Ward Blog Update

It is slightly embarrassing to me that this blog hasn't been updated since January, but it's reality, so there you are. The goal is to have one to two new posts a weeks, including highlights from activities, spotlights from the ladies in the ward, recipes, and more useful and awesome information. If you have anything that you would really like to see on the blog, please post a comment to this post, and we will hopefully accommodate you. We would also like to post service opportunities on the blog, and some inspirational stuff as well.

But, this is an update, and so we will fill you in on some basics.

This summer has been a busy time for everybody. However, no matter how busy your summer is, I would encourage you to try and make it the friendship night activities. It feels great to get out of the house and chat with the girls (we get a lot less of that since being married), and often you learn a great skill. I have so far been to only three, because of scheduling conflicts, but they are seriously awesome, and all the girls in our ward are great and have lots to offer.

Finally, I have been spending some time baking bread and trying to make it work out here, using healthy ingredients. Guys, this week I found the magic recipe/method, and if anybody wants to learn how to make some super awesome bread, just let me know. It is super good, and way easy to make.

Well, I hope everybody has a great week. Let me know your blog expectations.

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