Don't keep it a secret from EVERYONE, especially if you are experiencing morning sickness or depression. Tell at least one close friend (preferably one that has been pregnant) so that they can help you. I was so sick, but scared that I might miscarry that I didn't tell anyone. Because of that, I was both physically and emotionally drained. For days I laid in bed just wishing someone would come over and talk with me or watch a movie with me. LET SOMEONE KNOW how they can help you, even if it's just talking with you for an hour or two, because it's important to stay emotionally healthy, too.
Lissa says:
I'd say the number #1 important thing for the first trimester (and pregnancy in general) is to get LOTS of sleep. You will be amazed how much it takes out of you to have this little person growing inside of you. Plus, this will help reduce morning sickness.
There are all sorts of remedies for morning sickness and what works for one person doesn't always work for others. I found pickles and ginger ale(with actual ginger in it) to be helpful. It is also helpful to try to eat a little bit of food as soon as you wake up. I would keep a sleeve of saltine crackers next to the bed so I could eat a couple crackers before even getting out of bed. Eating small amounts throughout the day may help.
Maili's list of things she wishes she had known:
1. Don't worry about dishes or dinner too much especially if you are working. Often I slept in, went to work, and came home so exhausted I took a bath and went to bed. If anything happened around the house my husband did it. We only ate macaroni and Ramon during that time since that's all he can make and now I hate them. For nausea, I snacked on honey nut cheerios.
2. Your belly probably won't get "big" (it will be to you since you can see the difference) for a long time. However, you chest will almost immediately. Yes you can get stretch marks on them. I recommend using either olive oil or "Bella B's Tummy Honey during the first trimester on your chest. This also works for your stomach. When your chest gets bigger . . . so do your nipples. They also get a lot darker. I was completely unprepared for that and just find it so weird sometimes still.
3. Sometimes the baby will sit on a nerve. When it does this it feels like a cell phone is on vibrate just below your uterus. This is very common, and should not be a any cause for concern. However, if this happens too much it can cause damage to the nerve, so try to have the baby move spots. Standing a lot might be a trigger.
5. It is possible during or towards the ending of the first trimester to show the same symptoms or signs as you do for PMS. This is just the hormones switching around in the body. It is very common from even the first weeks to feel uncomfortable around your pelvis because the uterus is expanding.
The post is not big enough to put everything down that ladies wrote about the first trimester. A lot goes on during this time and it is all new for the mother to be. There is a sweet video that shows the development of the baby up to week 9 (half way down the page), if you are interested.
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