Hallie wrote:
Just a heads up in case you are like me and aren't sure what it will feel like when your water breaks. Before my water broke, I thought that it was a limited amount of water, as if you spilled a glass of water. It's not. I thought that if I just sat on the toilet long enough it would stop, but it didn't. So, just put a pad in (you'll want to buy thick pads ahead of time... you'll need them while you're recovering anyway), get a towel to put on the seat in your car, and drive to the hospital.
Pack stuff to take to the hospital! Things you don't want to forget are:
- A nursing bra (just buy one ahead of time)
- ponytail holders (they are easily lost at the hospital)
- camera/video camera
- change of garments/clothes
Also make a list with stuff that you can't necessarily pack several days ahead of time, such as:
- toothbrush/toothpaste
- hairbrush
- cell phone charger
If you're considering an epidural, I highly recommend it. I know some people feel strongly about natural birth and that's fine, but if you don't feel strongly either way, try an epidural! When I got to the hospital, I was in serious pain. As soon as the anesthesiologist came and administered the epidural, the pain stopped. Completely. I was talking with family and friends moments later as if I was hosting a party. It was amazing!
Do what the doctors and nurses tell you to do. They may tell you to "push from your abdomen, not your head" or "tuck your chin" or "push for ten seconds." Don't fight their advice, unless of course, the Spirit is telling you something different.
Lissa says:
If you are planning on getting an epidural, make sure you ask for it right away. When you ask for it, you get on the anesthesiologist's list and he may have several other people he has to get to before he gets to you. So if you wait to ask for it until you REALLY, REALLY need it, you are going to be waiting in a lot of pain. After you have the baby, you will still be pretty chubby. Don't expect to fit back into your normal clothes right away--when you pack your hospital bag, the clothes you pack to wear home from the hospital will need to be maternity clothes or other clothes with some extra room in them. When you are in the hospital after giving birth, send the baby to the nursery at night. It will be your last chance to get a good night's sleep and you should definitely take advantage of that. The nurses will take good care of your baby and can bring the baby back as soon as you wake up in the morning.
it'll be awhile for me, but its fun reading all of this stuff and learning about it. thanks so much for putting this together!